Update from Nutrition Services regarding last-minute menu changes

At St. Vrain Valley Schools, we know the importance of school meals in fueling both healthy minds and bodies. While school meals may look a little different during the 2021-2022 school year, please know that your school nutrition team is working hard to ensure students have safe, nutritious, and appealing meals. Today, I am writing to share how our district is working to overcome food supply and labor challenges related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency, so that students continue to receive school meals. 

Due to supply chain and labor shortages, our school district may not receive certain food items. As a result, your school may need to make last-minute changes to the menu or substitute a different brand of a food product. We know that students have favorite menu items and are working hard to provide them whenever possible. We are also thinking ahead to identify alternative food items that are nutritious and appealing for the students.  

If your student has food allergies or a special dietary need, be assured that meeting these needs and keeping your student safe remains a priority for us, and we will continue to provide meal modifications. If you have questions or concerns about how your student’s food allergies or special dietary needs will be managed during these supply chain shortages, please contact Theresa Spires, RD for information at 303-702-7750 or via email at spires_theresa@svvsd.org.  

We appreciate your patience, flexibility, and understanding as we work to provide school meals in a constantly evolving environment. Please feel free to reach me directly with any questions, feedback, or suggestions at 303-682-7255 or via email at allen_shelly@svvsd.org .  


Shelly Allen
Director of Nutrition & Warehouse Services
St Vrain Valley Schools

Indian Peaks Elementary School